Good,Classic, Generic, I like it!
Playing the game for about 2 hrs and suddenly this is how you beat it? You talk to a computer after getting everything maxed? I'm sorry but the end was disappointing none the less. Game play is fun, but fighting your shadow (which is obviously you or the boy) was a pain in the ars. Extremely overpowered. You didn't even have to go though the nightmare, just get everything maxed in 5 minutes then talk to the damn computer. Should have been much more interesting than that. You should make it so that you have to defeat the shadow, and then find out that shadow is you. BTW the character artwork at the end was a bit sad. As for the ending credits, you could make the letters go from right to left so that it is much easier to read. I do like the effects however. So yeah, the only problems I found with this game was the ending credits, artwork on the characters when they talked as well as artwork at the end before/during credits, and the way the game ended in general. Hopefully on the second game (if there will be one) and I hope there will be, you should add why he fell from the sky. That was a big plot hole, and bothered me for a while now. All n all the game was neet, well made, and the graphics felt like a classical NES game that made me flash back to my childhood of the simple A/B button gameplay days (lol) 4/5 8/10